Inputless GPT

Inputless-GPT can be modified to every needs so contact us first for business consultation. All code is handwritten, all our components are optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile.

An innovative document management system

Big Data management and analysis technologies are exponentially spreading.
Inputless GPT uses artificial intelligence to take document dematerialization to a higher level through Q&A.

Built for automation

Many analytics platforms are just too complex and time consuming to learn from the user's perpective.
Inputless Analytics does not require any manual input, just upload any type of text files to be able to explore large document archives in a few moments.

Document Analisys

Inputless-GPT is the software platform for document management designed and developed for the smart management of archives.

One Click Upload

Start the fully automated extraction procedure in a few simple steps!
Explore and take full advantage of the information contained in your documents through RAG system!

Premium support

Inputless-Analitycs is supported by specialists who provide quick and effective support. Usually an email reply takes <24h.


Connection to access to your infrastructure should be ENCRYPTED through a VPN connection, so you can access in a secure way.
Raw uploaded documents can be removed from the system at the end of the extraction process.
Extracted informations/entities are stored in a secure and encrypted database.
Implementing this you take responsability to guarantee maximum security in the management of your archive!

Fully Customizable

Thanks to our experience we can customize this software for our clients' needs.
Inputless GPT, for speed and efficiency, is very usefull in every context.



With mobile, tablet & desktop support it doesn't matter what device you're using. Inputless-Analytics is responsive in all browsers.


You don't need to be an expert to customize Inputless-Analytics. Our code is very readable and well documented.

Quick support

Inputless-Analytics is supported by specialists who provide quick and effective support. Usually an email reply takes <24h.

Cross browser

Inputless-Analytics works perfectly with: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE 10+. We're working hard to support them.

Clean code

We strictly followed Bootstrap's guidelines to make your integration as easy as possible. All code is handwritten.

Free updates

From time to time you'll receive an update containing new components, improvements and bugfixes.

This software can run on: